Shopify has a Was this page helpful? feature on the bottom of each page with the options Yes or No.

Was this page helpful?

When you click Yes, a text area appears asking you, “What did you like about this page? (optional).”

What did you like about this page? (optional).

After you submit your rating and optional text feedback, a thank you message replaces the text area. The rating buttons still appear, but they are disabled.

Thank you for your feedback!

When you click No, a group of radio buttons appear with the following options: This isn't what I was looking for., There aren't enough examples., The information is hard to understand., The information doesn't solve my issue., Other. A text area also appears.

This isn't what I was looking for.

When you select an option, the placeholder text for the text area changes to help guide your response.

What were you looking for?

Option Placeholder prompt
This isn’t what I was looking for. What were you looking for?
There aren’t enough examples. What examples were you looking for?
The information is hard to understand. What was difficult to understand?
The information doesn’t solve my issue. What issue were you trying to solve?
Other What can we do to improve this page?

After you submit your rating and optional text feedback, a thank you message replaces the text area. The rating buttons still appear, but they are disabled.

What were you looking for?